Author: Judy
Title: The Glory of Green, Goodness Gracious Green,
Description: Books
2 and 3 in the Green series, set in rural Louisiana. Lois has determined to
keep the paper and stay in Green, but the good ol’ boy brothers who sold her
the paper are experiencing sellers’ remorse and have filed suit to get the
paper back. Meanwhile, mysterious fires at the paper are causing damage and
frightening the staff. In book three, a
wedding opens the book, but a tornado hits Green during the reception, causing
death and destruction and unsettling the town for months afterward. Lois and
the News-Item staff rally to keep
their town alive.
Review source: ALA
Plot: Small-town

Writing style: Folksy.
Audience: Christian
Wrap-up: I’m
enjoying this series and reading about Lois’ growth as a Christian. Book three
has been my favorite in the series so far. Both books 3/5*