Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Review: Life Among Giants

Author: Bill Roorbach

Title: Life Among Giants
Description:  David (aka Lizard) is a high school sports hero who is fascinated by the beautiful ballerina who lives across the pond from his family (Mom, bumbling Dad, and sister Kate). During a year when he has his first serious girlfriend and gets to meet the dancer, Sylphide, his world comes apart when his parents are brutally murdered.
Review source: Library Thing Early Reviewers
Plot: Though Lizard witnesses the murders, his parents’ killer(s) are never brought to justice, a fact that haunts both him and his sister. His search for the motives behind the killings and his obsession with Sylphide are a constant throughout his life.
Characters: Well-written characters abound in this book, from Lizard, Kate, and Sylphide to secondary characters Desmond, RuAngela, and John.
Writing style: The blurb compared Roorbach to John Irving. To me, he was much more like Pat Conroy (or even a mashup of Irving and Conroy—two of my favorite authors). Lots of family emotions and secrets, sensuous descriptions, especially of food, and secrets galore made this book a kick to read.
Audience: Literary fiction.

Wrap-up: I enjoyed this book more than I’ve enjoyed a read in quite a while. 5/5*

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