Saturday, February 23, 2013

Review: Tiny Beautiful Things

Title: Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
Description: Dear Sugar is an online advice column; this book is excerpts from that column.  
Writing style: Sugar is pretty blunt—there are several letters where she outright advises people to leave their spouses or to do other fairly difficult/controversial things. She’s always encouraging, though, in a sort of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” kind of way. She often comes across as a therapist (or at least, that’s how I see someone who advises a person who really ought to be in therapy). She mines her own experiences as she gives advice, so there are a lot of personal examples in the book, making it read like a fragmented memoir.
Audience: Memoir readers? This book has been a bestseller, so I figure it has a pretty wide audience, but it’s tough to generalize on what exactly that audience might be.
Major ideas: It’s up to you to make the best of your life, whatever situation you may be in and whatever you have been through.
Wrap-up: As a Christian, there were some ideas in this book that I disagree with pretty fundamentally, but I can’t fault the writing, which was sparkly, or the overall feeling I got from the book, which was that if no one else cared, at least Sugar did. 4/5*

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