Friday, April 22, 2011

Reading Habits Meme

Grabbed this meme from You Had me at Neurotic
Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?
I taught myself to read when I was three. Or mom taught me.  Either way, she took me to the library all the time, and I started reading. I also read every book in my parents’ bookshelves that had a plot that I could understand (my dad had mostly Bible commentaries).
What are some of the books you read as a child?
When I was seven, we moved to rural Illinois and had to drive about 25 miles to get to a town with a library big enough. I went through that library pretty well—all the Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Bobsey Twins, Happy Hollisters, etc. Then there was a biography series (blue with yellow script on the covers) and I read all of them. I loved Francis Hodgson Burnett, especially The Secret Garden.
What is your favorite genre?
I like to read just about anything, but if I’m going to the beach for a week, I make sure to have a Regency romance.
Do you have a favorite novel?
Every once in a while I find a novel that I’m just giddy reading.  That kind makes me really happy.  It’s so hard to pick a favorite, though.  Mostly because as an adult, rereading isn’t something I really enjoy. Even if I love the book the first time, I’m too impatient (with all the stuff I haven’t read) to take the time to read it again. If I had to say one, though, right now it would be Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
Where do you usually read?
I have a spot on the sofa that no one else can claim when I’m around. If it’s nice, I’m out on the back patio. I also refuse to go to the gym unless I can read.
When do you usually read?
Since I’m in grad school, I usually spend about two hours per night reading homework. If I can, I try to read an hour a day just for fun.
Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?
Yes. I average about 30 in my “currently reading” pile. But if one catches my fancy, I’ll put it on the top of the pile and give it priority. I also give priority to library books and review copies.
Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?
No, and I love nonfiction, especially essays, memoir, books about foreigners living in Japan, books about contests of any sort, travel in general. Now school books (for my grad program) I do read differently.
Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library?

I’m totally cheap. So right now, my big book stash is from two events, the RWA convention in Orlando, where I picked up about 60 free books, and the Penguin 75 contest, where I won the Penguin 75.  I’ve been hanging out on Paperback Swap too.  Normally, when I don’t have all those free books to read, I have a to-read list (currently at around 500 titles). I check to see whether my library or the local public library have them. If not, I’ll try Paperback Swap. For Kindle, I use the Free at Amazon blog and load up on free titles. Haven’t paid for one yet, except a couple of books for school and a Bible edition I could actually use.
Do you keep most of the books you buy? If not, what do you do with them?

Since I don’t buy many, I usually don’t buy it unless I fall in love with it. I also keep things for school (lit, rhet/comp). If I don’t think I’ll reread, I list on Paperback Swap or donate to my library or give to my mom.
What are you reading now?
I have an ARC of Break the Skin by Lee Martin.
Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list?
Uh-huh, see above. I keep it on Library thing because I can search it, tag it, keep track of call numbers, and find next in series.
What’s next?
One of the 120 or so books stacked up on my floor. Maybe Pat Conroy’s My Reading Life.
What books would you like to reread?
I don’t reread much (see above). If I had time, maybe something I read as a kid and didn’t quite “get.” Nothing comes to mind.
Who are your favorite authors?
Anne Lamott, Louis Bayard, Michael Chabon, Alexander McCall Smith, Eloisa James—that’s just a few.

What about you? What are your reading habits?

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