Saturday, July 7, 2012

Book Review: Goodbye for Now

Author: Laurie Frankel
Title: Goodbye for Now
Description: Sam is a computer genius. He works for an online dating company and comes up with the perfect algorithm to allow people to find their soulmates. He uses it to find his—Meredith, who works in the same company. When he gets fired for costing his company business, he uses his skills to help Meredith get over the grief of losing her grandmother by writing an algorithm that will duplicate her online presence. When they decide to offer this service to others with dead loved ones (DLOs), Sam learns a lot about life.
Review source: Library Thing Early Reviewers
Plot: This seems like the kind of book where the author asked a “what if” question, then answered it. In Frankel’s case, though, she keeps coming up with more what ifs. What if your DLO was not who you thought they were? What if the DLO had spent their whole life being sick? What if you told your DLO that she was dead?
Characters: Frankel has a wonderful way with her characters. I loved them all.
Writing style: This book is primarily about death and grief, but it was really funny and a fun read. 
Audience: It’s tough to know how to classify this book. I suppose literary fiction, where stuff goes when you don’t know what to call it. I think just about anyone would like it.
Wrap-up: I loved reading this book even when the end made me cry. It will be a keeper for me. 5/5*

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